Seth is a Pittsburgh-based Singer-Songwriter, Worship Leader, and performing artist. He began writing in his high-school years as he began to wrestle with faith in a broken world. Struggles, doubts, grief, and questions led him to write about his experiences in this broken world. In 2022, Seth released his debut album “God Of The Waiting”. In 2023, he released an EP called “Sing The Psalms”. He is now working on his second full length record with plans to released it a few songs at a time over the next few years.  

As a singer-songwriter and worship leader, Seth not only loves to tell stories through his music, and sing about “whatever is true, noble, right, pure…” (Philippians 4:8), but also has a passion to help the church sing!

Artists That Inspire Seth: Andrew Peterson, Sandra McCracken, The Corner Room, Rich Mullins, Getty’s (and co.), Jason Gray, Ben Rector, Shane and Shane

Fun Fact: In 2016 Seth went to a David Crowder with a sign which read “My Dream is to Play With Crowder”. His dream came true that night as he climbed to center stage and performed “Lift Your Head Weary Sinner” with Crowder. He did it again in 2018.